
奥黛丽·希灵顿,院长Audrey M. Shillington is Dean for the 健康与人文科学学院 at San 约瑟州立大学.  Additionally, she is Professor of Epidemiology at the Colorado School of Public Health at the University of Colorado, Denver.  她来自上海大学 Colorado State University where she served as Director and Professor in the School of Social Work as well as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Interim Associate Dean for Research for the 健康与人文科学学院.

Dr. Shillington was formerly Professor at San Diego State University for 15 years where she helped create the NIH funded Center for Alcohol and Drug Studies and Services 并担任副主任. 此外,她是研究调查员 the SDSU School of Public Health’s Center for Behavioral Epidemiology and Community 参与艾滋病毒/艾滋病研究的卫生部门. 

She received her MSW and PhD from the Brown School at Washington University in St. Louis. She was an NIMH Post-Doctoral Fellow and received a master's in Psychiatric Epidemiology from the School of Medicine at Washington University. 她发表了 in the areas of psychometrics, epidemiology, prevention and intervention work aimed 青少年和年轻人的危险行为. 她曾担任PI和联合调查员 on NIH NIDA, NIAAA, and state grants totaling over $14 million.

Her current work is focused on intervention and prevention work related to the changing landscape related to legalization of recreational marijuana use.


  • M.P.E., 1993, Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine
  • Ph.D., 1991, The Brown School of Social Work, Washington University
  • MSW, 1987, The Brown School of Social Work, Washington University
  • B.A.1982年,德鲁里大学


兴趣范围: Adolescent and young adult risk behavior prevention and reduction, psychiatric epidemiology, psychometrics, alcohol and other drug use prevention and intervention.





  1. Prince, MA, Tyskiewicz, AJ康纳,BT帕尼斯,JE在希灵顿,AM乔治先生W, Riggs, NR.  Mechanisms of change in an adapted marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO intervention on 减少大学生使用大麻.  审查中J项虐待待遇. 

  2. Fetterling, TJ帕尼斯,JE王子,MA康纳,BT乔治先生W在希灵顿,AM, Riggs, NR.  Moderated mediation of the eCHECKUP TO GO college student marijuana use intervention. 投稿发表稿件. (审查).

  3. Wallace, G. T.康纳,B. T., & Shillington,. M. 分类树识别 shared and distinct predictors of non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal ideation across 初生成人的性别认同.  临床心理学 & 心理治疗(出版中).

  4. Riggs, N. R.帕尼斯,J. E.王子,M. A.康纳,B. T.乔治先生. W.Shillington, A., & Coryell, A.  Direct Effects of an Adapted Marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO Intervention Mediated by Decreases in College Student Use While Studying. (审查).

  5. Wallace, G. T.帕尼斯,J. E.王子,M. A.康纳,B. T., Riggs, N. R., George, M. W., & Shillington,. M. Associations between marijuana use patterns and recreational legislation changes in a large Colorado college student sample. 成瘾研究 and Theory. 成瘾研究与理论. DOI: 10.1080/16066359.2019. 1622003

  6. Wallace, G. T.康纳,B. T., & Shillington,. M. (2019)使用分类树 to Examine Predictors of Marijuana Use among a Wide Range of Variables.  物质使用及误用. 54(11), 1799-1811.

  7. Orsi, R, Yuma-Guerrero, P, Sergi, K, Pena, AA在希灵顿,AM. (2018).  Does the overdose epidemic put children at risk for maltreatment?  对美国的研究 跨越城乡统一体的县.  虐待及忽视儿童.  86, 358-367. doi: http://doi.org/10.1016/ j.chiabu.2018.08.010

  8. Riggs, N. R.康纳,B. T.帕尼斯,J. E.王子,M. A.在希灵顿,A., & George, M. W. (2018). Marijuana e-CHECKUP TO GO: Effects of a personalized normative feedback 大学生重度大麻使用干预. 药物和酒精依赖.  190, 13-19.  doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2018.05. 020

  9. Orsi, R, Brown, SM, Knight, KE在希灵顿,AM. (2018).  当儿童被调查时 for maltreatment remain at home: Understanding well-being outcomes in relation to 父母使用药物. 儿童及青少年服务检讨. 84, 1180124.  Online: http://doi.org/10.1016/j. childyouth.2017.11.022

  10. Brown, S. M., & Shillington,. M. (2017).  童年的逆境和物质的危险 use and delinquency: The role of protective adult relationships. 虐待儿童 & Neglect. 63, 211-221.

  11. Begun, A. Clapp, J, Bowen, E, Berger, L, Carlson, J, Davis, J, Davis, T, DiNitto, D, Freisthler, B, Gogineni, A, Hall, J, Hesselbrock, M, Hesselbrock, V, Holleran Steiker, L, Krentzman, A, Kuerbis, A, Lewis, M, Loneck, B, Loughran, H, Malcolm, B, Manuel, J, McCutcheon, V, Mendoza, N, Nissen, L, Murray, M, Nochajski, T, Resko, S, Ruderman, D在希灵顿,A, Straussner, L, Velasquez, M, Wagner, E. 减少和预防 Negative Consequences Associated with Alcohol Misuse.  Addiction. 酒精滥用 大挑战集体. (2015). 预防和减少酒精滥用及其危害 consequences: A grand challenge for 社会工作 (Grand Challenges for Social Work 倡议工作文件第. 17). 克利夫兰,俄亥俄州:美国社会工作学会 社会福利. 也作为一篇评论文章发表-开始,A., & Clapp, J. (2016). Reducing and preventing alcohol misuse and its consequences: A Grand Challenge for 社会工作. The International Journal of Alcohol and Drug Research, 5(2), 73-83.

  12. 伍德拉夫SI和希灵顿AM. (2016).  社会人口学和药物使用严重程度差异 between Medical Marijuana Users and Non-Medical Users Visiting the Emergency Department.  《lol菠菜网正规平台》. 25: 385-391.   DOI:  10.1111/ajad.12401.  **Paper selected by the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry as “high interest” and chosen for continued medical education activities (one of 9 out of 1,000 examined papers) 6.28.18.

  13. Woodruff SI, Cameron T, McCabe C, Hohman M, Clapp JD, Shillington AM, Eisenberg, K, Sise CB, Castillo EM, Chan TC, & Sise MJ.  (2016)大麻独有的特征 以及其他去急诊室的吸毒者.  大麻和大麻素研究, 1.1. DOI: 10.1089/can.2016.012.

  14. Woodruff SI, Clapp JD, Eisenberg K, McCabe C, Hohman M, Shillington AM, Sise CB, Castillo EM,陈振聪,司兆杰, & Gareri J.  (2014). 随机临床试验的效果 of screening and brief intervention for illicit drug use:  The Life Shift/Shift Gears study.  成瘾科学与临床实践.  [9:8], doi: 10.1186/1940-0640-9-8.

  15. Shillington,M, Woodruff, SI克拉普,JD, Reed, MB, Lemus, H. 自我报告年龄 Onset and Telescoping for Cigarettes, Alcohol and Marijuana Across Eight Years of 全国青年纵向调查. (2012).  儿童与青少年药物滥用杂志. 2012年8月31日(在线),2012年9月26日(印刷)DOI:10.1080/1067828X.2012. 710026.

  16. Reed, MB克拉普,JD, Weber, M, Trim, R, Lange, J在希灵顿,AM. (2011).  Predictors of partying prior to bar attendance and subsequent BrAC. 成瘾行为. 11月1日,20 (5):407 - 420.Doi.10.1016/j. addbeh.2011.07.029.

  17. Trim, R.S.克拉普,J.D., Reed, M.B.在希灵顿,A.D .汤姆斯. (2011). Drinking Plans and Drinking Outcomes: Examining Young Adult’s Weekend Drinking Behavior. J. 毒品教育, 41 (3) 253-270.