Advertise on our Screens

学生会 Screen Policies

A picture of a digital screen located inside the 学生会.

请注意: (Status Last Updated: Oct 16, 2023.) We are currently accepting screen requests

As the center of campus life, we strive to help students succeed through advertising programs and events across the entire campus community. We have several digital screens located inside the 学生会 that can be used to advertise campus and student organization events and programs.

We're excited to help you make your event or program a success. Below is a list of requirements and procedures to smooth out the process of getting your information on the screens throughout the Diaz Compean 学生会. If you have any questions, please send them to


campus-wide sign requests, including sign requests for other buildings on campus, please visit the Campus-Wide Digital Sign Request 页面.

If you wish to make a screen request, please follow the procedure below.


  • Images 必须 be advertising an event. 菠菜网lol正规平台 courses will not be accepted for advertising.
  • Images advertising an essential program or service 可以接受 if the program is not already heavily marketed or advertised across the university.
  • 事件 advertised 必须 be campus-wide in scale.
  • Each 菠菜网lol正规平台 campus department will be allowed 2 images per calendar month lasting a total of 20 seconds.
  • Each 菠菜网lol正规平台 Student organization may have 1 image every 4 weeks advertising a key event 这个学期.
    • 你 may request to have additional images in that time frame. We will approve these based on availability
  • Ticketed events or those requiring signups may be posted up to 1 month prior to the 事件日期.
  • Non-ticketed events may be posted up to 2 weeks prior to the 事件日期.

Design Requirements

  • Images should have text no smaller than 12 pt font. The text should be readable from a distance. Be concise and avoid excessive words. Use large font (14 pt or higher) whenever possible.
  • The average duration of a screen is 7-10 seconds, so plan to be as concise as possible.
  • Ensure that your color combinations have a high contrast ratio and meet accessibility 标准. 使用 WebAIM Contrast Checker tool to ensure that the color contrast is at least 4.5:1或更高.
  • Images 必须 adhere to university identity 标准 when using university marketing 工具.
  • Images are subject to design review.


  • Accepted file formats: JPEG, PNG, PDF, PPT, PPTX. 
    We are currently not accepting video at this time, but hope to accept it in the near 未来. Stay tuned for more updates.
  • 决议: 1920 x 1080 pixels minimum (W x H)
  • File names should incorporate the dates the advertisement will start and stop, your organization, and a descriptor. 你 必须 follow this file format.
  • 文件名称格式: YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD_OrgName_Descriptor.jpg
  • 例子: 20170210_20170224_CareerCenter_SpringEXPO.jpg


  • Send your file to:
  • Please allow us 3 business days to respond to your screen request. 我们会做我们的 best to accomodate requests as timely as possible. IThis not only gives us time to review the submission, but also makes sure there's enough time for any changes you 可能需要做.
    • If we have not responded after the 72-hour period, feel free to send us a follow up 电子邮件. 
  • If your screen is not approved, we'll be able to tell you why and help you work towards a successful submission.
  • If your screen is approved, we will send a confirmation that the screen has been added 排队等候.